Sunday, August 3, 2008

Yellow Dog

Most people don't think of dogs as being political. But, of course, they're wrong. I'm as red, white and blue as they come, but I'm what you'd call a "yellow dog democrat" -- and if you don't know what that means, you probably won't "get" most of my blogs.

Want to know what's driving me crazy lately? John McCain. What a loopy old fart he is! (And trust me, I know something about farting, but I digress ... ) The media seems to be giving him a pass on his faux pas -- it's almost like he's going to get the Reagan treatmeant. Was it really okay for him to sing "Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran?"

I'm having deja vu. Only this time Art Linkletter is in prime time hosting "Grandpas Say The Darndest Things." Tune in. I believe it's right after GE Theater. -- Miss Daisy

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