Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Monday, October 20, 2008

I miss the good old days

BLUE ASH, Ohio – Police in Ohio say an 89-year-old woman is facing a charge of petty theft because neighborhood children accuse her of refusing to give back their football. Edna Jester was arrested last week in the Cincinnati suburb of Blue Ash. Police Capt. James Schaffer says there has been an ongoing dispute in the neighborhood over kids' balls landing in the woman's yard.

Arrested??!! Gimme a break. Back when I was a kid, if some old lady on our block had kept our football after repeatedly asking us not to play in her yard, my dad would have said: "I told you kids to stay outta there! That should teach you a lesson!"

And that would have been that. Sadder but wiser, we would have gone on to save up for another football and would have stopped playing in Mrs. Jester's yard.

Then we would have egged her house on Halloween.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Joe in Real Life

I've had just about enough of that dag-nabbit, by gum, golly-gosh-you-betcha hockey mom crapola. In her blundering efforts to show herself as a "real Main Street-er," Sarah Palin not only made an ass of herself, she condescended to the hardship experiences of regular Americans.

Joe Biden gets it. With grace and passion (and a remarkable lack of gol-dernits), he gave us a glimpse of what it is that makes him so attuned to the rest of us living here in real life.

Biden Chokes Up @ Yahoo! Video