Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Democrats are varmints!!

My daddy says that Sarah Palin is "Yosemite Sam in a skirt." I see a ton of resemblance, don't you? I guess maybe the only difference is that her hair is black. Otherwise, she's a dead ringer.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Obama, McCain and the Truth About Taxes

Unless you make more than $2.87 million per year, Barack Obama will not raise your taxes. In fact, he will probably cut them.

This reality has been trampled, twisted, turned inside out and scribbled over so many times by the McCain campaign that it is hardly recognizable amid the clutter, but the fact remains: Obama's plan would grant tax cuts to all Americans making less than $226,982 per year, with the largest cuts going to the poorest individuals. Only the wealthiest 0.1 percent of earners would have to pay more.

Click here to read more on the site "Truthout":

Props to my friend Ken for sending along the story!

Sock a little poke salad to me!

I've started to think about what kind of songs boomers are going to be remembered by. It's true we had some of the best music ever growing up. But every so often, I run across one that just makes me smile because the lyrics are so ridiculous. Your honor, I submit the following evidence for your review:

Poke Salad Annie
Gators got your grannie
Everybody said it was a shame
'Cuz your mama was a-workin'
On the chain gang

And don't fergit the non-sequitorious refrain:

"Sock a little poke salad to me!"

Saturday, September 13, 2008

But ... Can we handle the truth?

Nicholson: You want answers?
Cruise: I think I'm entitled to them!
Nicholson: You want answers?
Cruise: I want the truth!!

Here are some questions Charlie Gibson left out of his Sarah Palin interview, and I think we are entitled to the answsers.

How can you call yourself a fiscal conservative when Wasilla was in the black as you entered the mayor's office and $22 million in debt when you left?

How do you justify bashing wasteful government spending when you charge the state of Alaska $300 for every night you spend in your own home in Wasilla?

Why do you keep asserting that you sold the Governor's jet on e-bay when in fact it never sold there but ended up being sold by a broker at a $600,000 loss to the state?

About that Bridge to Nowhere: after you were for it, you were against it but kept the money anyway, using some of it for a road to the place where the Bridge to Nowhere was going to be built. Why did you keep the money?

And here's the one I really want to know the answer to:

Can you explain the rationale behind charging rape victims for the cost of rape kits? A rape kit and forensic analysis can cost between $3,000 and $14,000. (Not to mention your belief that rape victims should have to carry the rapists' product to term.) What kind of glass ceiling are Alaskan rape victims crashing, Sarah?

Serious props go out to my SIL Tina and her friend Sara Nichols for asking the hard questions. I checked 'em all out, and yep, they're true. Obviously, the GOP doesn't think we can handle the truth or they wouldn't cherry pick her interviewers. Let's hope the rest of the country remembers the First Amendment still exists.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Center stage at the GOP convention

I was all set to give Bristol Palin a break. And her mother too, for that matter. I actually believed them when they said that "family matters are off limits." As well they should be. After all, Barack Obama's mother married his father when she was 18 years old and three months pregnant. So what's to be gained by scrutinizing a teenager's indiscretion?

Absolutely nothing. Oh sure, there's something delicious about the party of "abstinence" and "family values" having an unwed mother in the spotlight. As Ricky Ricardo would say, "Sarah, you got some 'splainin' to do." But the McCain machine became absolutely apoplectic when the media started prying into the Palin's home life. Which brings me to the point of this post (I knew I'd get there eventually.)

Why is Sarah Palin introducing Levi Johnston at the convention tonight? He's not her son-in-law. Why bring him center-stage if matters between Levi and Bristol are supposed to remain sacredly private?

You can't have it both ways, Governor Palin. If you don't want the media to brand your daughter with a scarlet letter then don't bring Levi into the spotlight until after they've wed and are (against all odds regarding teenage marriages) living happily ever after. He's a kid, you doofus, just like your daughter. If you ever want your grandbaby to have a shot at living a normal life, keep your word and keep your kid's private life off center stage.

Did Sarah go to the vet?

Everyone is talking about whether or not Sarah Palin was properly vetted. I asked my mom if that meant they checked to see if she had her rabies shots yet. Or at least distemper. No one wants a rabid, bad-tempered vice president. Or more accurately, another rabid, bad-tempered vice president.

But my mom said, no. "Vet" is the new cool word for checking something out. I don't remember it being used much in previous elections. I like it a lot!! I vet new people all the time. I even vet veterinarians and when my mom takes me to the VA Hospital, I vet veterans.

I see many new uses for the word "vet." Here are some ideas:

I can now ask people to stop vetting my chest. "Hey, my eyes are up here, buddy!"

However, I have no problem vetting Matthew McConaughey's abs.

I can go to DSW Shoe Warehouse and vet the new line of fall boots.

I dream of vetting Kilimanjaro someday and going to Antartica to vet the penguins.

Vet is hep, it's phat, it's groove-tron. And I'm all over it.