Saturday, August 30, 2008

Things that make you go "h-m-m-m-m ..."

I was so excited when I saw John McCain's veep choice! Finally, that loopy old fart is showing some class and naming a smart, savvy, sexy woman to the ticket. Then my mommy told me it wasn't Tina Fey, it was some doofus from Hooterville. And not the good Hooterville, some weird Hooterville in the middle of East Nowhere, Alaska. I only hope that someone, somewhere has explained to her "just exactly what the Vice President does."

When McCain announced his choice, Governor Palin invoked Hillary Clinton's historic White House bid. I can't wait for the Vice Presidential debates when Joe Biden gets to say: "I know Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton is a friend of mine. And Governor, you are no Hillary Clinton." Stay tuned.

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