Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Center stage at the GOP convention

I was all set to give Bristol Palin a break. And her mother too, for that matter. I actually believed them when they said that "family matters are off limits." As well they should be. After all, Barack Obama's mother married his father when she was 18 years old and three months pregnant. So what's to be gained by scrutinizing a teenager's indiscretion?

Absolutely nothing. Oh sure, there's something delicious about the party of "abstinence" and "family values" having an unwed mother in the spotlight. As Ricky Ricardo would say, "Sarah, you got some 'splainin' to do." But the McCain machine became absolutely apoplectic when the media started prying into the Palin's home life. Which brings me to the point of this post (I knew I'd get there eventually.)

Why is Sarah Palin introducing Levi Johnston at the convention tonight? He's not her son-in-law. Why bring him center-stage if matters between Levi and Bristol are supposed to remain sacredly private?

You can't have it both ways, Governor Palin. If you don't want the media to brand your daughter with a scarlet letter then don't bring Levi into the spotlight until after they've wed and are (against all odds regarding teenage marriages) living happily ever after. He's a kid, you doofus, just like your daughter. If you ever want your grandbaby to have a shot at living a normal life, keep your word and keep your kid's private life off center stage.

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