Saturday, September 13, 2008

But ... Can we handle the truth?

Nicholson: You want answers?
Cruise: I think I'm entitled to them!
Nicholson: You want answers?
Cruise: I want the truth!!

Here are some questions Charlie Gibson left out of his Sarah Palin interview, and I think we are entitled to the answsers.

How can you call yourself a fiscal conservative when Wasilla was in the black as you entered the mayor's office and $22 million in debt when you left?

How do you justify bashing wasteful government spending when you charge the state of Alaska $300 for every night you spend in your own home in Wasilla?

Why do you keep asserting that you sold the Governor's jet on e-bay when in fact it never sold there but ended up being sold by a broker at a $600,000 loss to the state?

About that Bridge to Nowhere: after you were for it, you were against it but kept the money anyway, using some of it for a road to the place where the Bridge to Nowhere was going to be built. Why did you keep the money?

And here's the one I really want to know the answer to:

Can you explain the rationale behind charging rape victims for the cost of rape kits? A rape kit and forensic analysis can cost between $3,000 and $14,000. (Not to mention your belief that rape victims should have to carry the rapists' product to term.) What kind of glass ceiling are Alaskan rape victims crashing, Sarah?

Serious props go out to my SIL Tina and her friend Sara Nichols for asking the hard questions. I checked 'em all out, and yep, they're true. Obviously, the GOP doesn't think we can handle the truth or they wouldn't cherry pick her interviewers. Let's hope the rest of the country remembers the First Amendment still exists.

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